Thursday, January 9, 2014

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you are wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art. Write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
– Neil Gaiman

It's no secret that 2012 was a difficult year for me. As a result, a lot of what I experienced weaved itself into my writing, and eventually, this blog. Last January while reading through some of my older posts, I realized I didn't give enough credit to the positive things that happened to me and instead seemed to dwell on the negative. Because of this, I decided to write about the "sweets" I experienced to balance out the posts I wrote as a result of some pretty awful "sucks" that came my way. So, in the spirit of consistency (and the fact that I have terrible writers block) I’ve decided to make a second installment of “Sucks and Sweets of the Year.”

I’m happy to report that looking back over my entries from 2013, they were for the most part pretty positive (and witty and awesome and you should read them). I’d like to think this is a testament to how amazing last year was and truly hope that I'm able to reflect back on 2014 in a similar fashion. 

I had so many great experiences this past year that I'd love to share, but if I were to write about all of them this post would never end. Because of this, I've decided to let my blog speak on my behalf. The following things meant enough to me in the past twelve months that I decided to write about them and shamelessly share my stories with whoever is bored enough to read my site:

Reading. Friendship. Turning 25.
Love. Work. John Mayer. Traveling.
Being single. Harry Potter. Writing.
My dog. Death. Family.
Starbucks. Music. Happiness.

While these words don't even begin to capture what an adventure 2013 was, they do reflect on some of the things I am passionate about and experiences that changed me in one way or another. Thank you to all of the amazing people who are a part of my stories and here's to hoping that next January I'll have just as many positive memories to look back on as I did today.

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