Friday, December 31, 2010

Yes – Used as a function word to express assent or agreement <are you ready? Yes, I am>
As the last day of 2010 is in full swing, the time has come to fulfill the yearly obligation of deciding what my New Year’s resolution will be. The exception this year is that I will be only making one.
Each Christmas break my dad reminds us to make a list of the resolutions we would like to keep for the next year. He tells us to write them down so that we can look at them and be reminded of our goals as the months progress. I am doing one step better this year, and finally integrating my desire to start a blog into my resolution.
This year will not be about promising to never eat carbs again and make it to church every single Sunday like the countless failed attempts before. This year will be about accepting the changes and challenges that come with life. This year will be about saying yes to spontaneity, new friendships, and going where life takes me.  
Although I would love to boast that you can come to my blog for inspirational stories and intriguing gossip, this is going to simply be a testament to my year, my new life in the Windy City, and wherever the next chapter of my life may lead. So, if you would like to hear about my never ending quest to find the best pad-thai in Chicago, and stories of traveling the country for my job and visiting the people I miss the most, you're in the right place.
C’est la vie!