Thursday, February 14, 2013

“The fact is. Sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then - to make the walk a little more fun.”
- Carrie Bradshaw

My feelings towards Valentine’s Day this year are much like my feelings towards Kwanza or Rosh Hashanah: While I don't personally observe either, I understand that Valentine’s Day is special to others and gives them an opportunity to celebrate their marriage, relationship, flavor of the week, etc. 

Although I feel like I should be taking up arms with my fellow single friends against celebrating a day that’s true meaning came from the beheading of Christian martyrs, I am oddly neutral on my feelings for it – regardless of my relationship status. I’ve celebrated Valentine’s Day in a relationship for a majority of my dating-age-appropriate life and have never had a reason to dislike it. Why should I start now just because I don’t have someone to celebrate it with?

Remember the Sex and the City episode that Carrie decided single people deserve to be celebrated just as much as married couples and registered herself at Manolo Blahnik*? Although I hope to one day marry someone other than myself, I do appreciate her view on celebrating and appreciating who you are, whether you have a significant other or not.

Skinny vanilla latte? Way better than roses.

I unfortunately cannot afford to splurge on $400 shoes at this point in my life, but in the spirit of Carrie I did treat myself to a nice latte this morning from Starbucks. Just because. Well, also because I really needed caffeine… but that is beside the point. 

Every now and then we deserve to be treated to something special. If there isn’t someone in your life right now to do that for you, there is no need to wait for them to come around. Do it yourself :)

*For guy readers... this is a really fancy shoe store. You're welcome.

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